Author : Admin Category : College Tips December 24, 2021

Christmas is fast approaching and you’re wondering what you can give to your kid studying in college. Maybe it’s the first time you’re away from them and you want to give them something that will help them navigate college in a better way.

With so many things to choose from, it is pretty normal to get confused. But don’t worry because we’re here to solve this problem. We’ll solve the problem by telling you about 9 amazing gifts you can give to your kid studying in college.

So, without any delay, let’s start with today’s blog.

Wireless Headphones

A college student just cannot survive without a good pair of wireless headphones. That’s because headphones can be used in a library, in the gym, during internships, the free time between lectures and many other situations.

We believe giving your kid something they can use daily is the best gift choice. Ensure the headphones you give them are good quality, meaning they have good ear cushions, good sound quality and excellent battery backup. You won’t have a hard time searching for wireless headphones that fulfil all these requirements. We’re providing you with a link to a good pair of wireless headphones.

Here’s the link: JBL Tune 500BT.

Amazon Echo Dot

“Alexa, play my favourite song.” “Alexa, set the alarm for 6 AM tomorrow.”

These are the common things people ask Alexa to do. But what is Alexa? For complete newbies into technology, Alexa is a voice assistant by Amazon. It is similar to Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana. Basically, it helps people do things without touching their smartphones.

In today’s times, voice assistants have become a crucial part of our lives. Most things in our homes can now be connected to the internet and controlled using only our voice. Among other voice assistants, Alexa is most peoples’ favourite because of its many capabilities.

Some two to three years back, the device for Alexa was a bulkier one. But now, the size has decreased significantly, and the name for the new device is Echo Dot (3rd Gen). It is a voice assistant with a speaker, meaning you can listen to news and music.

We believe Amazon Echo Dot is the perfect choice for college students. As they’re already short on time and running from one task to another, this device can really add value to their lives.

Here’s the link: Amazon Echo Dot (3rd Gen).   

Power Bank

During the college years, students come across many kinds of the latest technology. Some even get their first smartphones and laptops in college. But why does that have anything to do with Christmas gifts? It is linked because all the electronic devices have rechargeable batteries that have to be charged when the battery runs out.

These devices have to be carried with the students to their lectures, meaning they can’t always find a point to charge them. So, what are the options? A very good option is to have a power bank. It is the size of a laptop charger and is portable. With it, your kids can charge their smartphones and laptops easily.   

Moreover, they’re affordable. In our opinion, this is an excellent gift for Christmas.

Here’s the link: Anker Power Bank.


A backpack was a must in your kid’s school years. So, is it of no use in college? Actually, no. Backpacks are extremely useful for your college kids because they are required to carry textbooks, laptops, stationery items, and other things to classes. And carrying all these things in hand can be a little difficult.

Not only is a backpack beneficial for your kids in college, but it is also helpful when they’re coming back home in the vacations or going on a trip with their friends. There are literally no disadvantages to having a backpack. So, if you decide to gift your college kid a backpack, make sure it is spacy and waterproof.

You can find some good backpacks offline or online. If you’re looking for a good online option, here’s the link: Amazon Basics Backpack.

Electric Kettle

There are numerous benefits of drinking warm water first thing in the morning. If not in the morning, the benefits of warm water stay intact. We know you’re constantly worried about your kid staying fit and healthy in college.

Now that they’re away from you, it is challenging for you to take care of them. You obviously can’t stay present with them all the time. But what you can do is buy them something that will help them stay healthy. And that something is an electric kettle.

An electric kettle is a good choice when your kid is studying in a place with harsh winters. A glass or two of warm water in winters is the best way to beat the cold weather and feel good inside-out. The thing with warm water is that your kid can drink it at any time. Yes, even in summers.

Moreover, electric kettles are not only suitable for heating water but anything liquid. It is a good gift that your college kid will appreciate.

Here’s the link: Morphy Richards Electric Kettle.   

Laptop Cooling Pad

The world is becoming digital at a fast pace. When you were in college, you studied only from textbooks. But it is changing now. Your kids in college don’t have a lot of textbooks to study from. They get all the study material in digital form, which can be accessed using smartphones or laptops.

When final exams approach, students pick up their laptops and sit comfortably on their beds to study. Along with final exams, college students also use laptops for completing assignments. As time passes, their posture gets poor. Along with the posture, the laptop’s heat, which is emitted from the bottom, is not good for humans. Most people keep laptops on their laps and often wonder why they have problems. 

There’s a solution for dealing with laptops’ heating problem. And it is through a laptop cooling pad. They are devices plugged in a laptop’s USB port, and the laptop is placed on them. They have fans that keep the laptop cool and thus stop heat from entering the body.

Laptop cooling pads have become pretty common now. Your kid will be able to write assignments by sitting for hours in front of their laptop from now on.

Here’s the link for a good laptop heating pad online: Laptop Cooling Pad.

USB Flash Drive

Consider your college kid going on a trip with their friends, and they’re taking photos and suddenly realize that their phone is about to run out of storage. It can be a mood killer because they won’t be able to take more photos.

It won’t happen when they have a USB flash drive. They can store all their trips’ photos in it. Moreover, they can also store assignments and notes in the USB flash drive. We believe this is a good gift that most college students will appreciate because no storage is enough for young people.

When you’re buying a USB flash drive, make sure the storage is more than 32 GB. Storage less than that wouldn’t be that useful for your college kid.  

Here’s the link: Sandisk USB Flash Drive.

Fitness Tracker Band

We’re sure you want your kid to stay fit and healthy in college. This is a genuine concern because life gets busy in college, and students’ health takes a backseat. Don’t let a lack of time stop your kid from becoming fit.

But, what exactly can you do to make them fit?

The best you can do is buy them a fitness tracker band. Nowadays, these bands have become popular, and most youngsters use them. One can track the number of steps, calories, heart rate and sleep using such bands.

Fitness tracker bands are a great way to start your college kid’s fitness journey. So, if you like the idea of a fitness band, we highly recommend you go online and look for the best.

BTW, here’s one you might like: Amazon Band 5 Fitness Tracker.    

Air Fryer

In the above point, we talked about your kid’s fitness in college. It is essential. But being fit doesn’t mean they can’t eat fried food occasionally. But if you want them to eat healthy fried food (yes, that’s a thing), you can buy an air fryer.

An air fryer is a device that requires you to put a little bit of oil on the food item you want to fry. After spreading the oil evenly, you have to close the lid and let the air fryer do its work. The hot air inside the container will heat up the food inside, and it will become crunchy, as it would if it were fried.

An air fryer is a must for people who want to lead fit & healthy lives because they cook food with minimal oil. We think you can gift it to your kid in college.

Here’s the link: COSORI Air Fryer.


Only one month is left for Christmas. Last year, everyone was stuck in their homes thanks to COVID-19. Thankfully, the effects of this virus are ending, and people are meeting ‘in-person.’ People are also looking forward to celebrations that were left uncelebrated last year.

So, this Christmas, we want you to celebrate the good times by giving an amazing gift to your kid studying in college. A fancy gift that won’t help them won’t be useful. So, provide them with something helpful from the list in this blog.

We hope you found this blog helpful. If you did, a share would be appreciated. 

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